Maple Maple Café
店名: Maple Maple Café
地址: 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段410-5號
電話: (02) 87890550
類型: 咖啡館
故事: "Maple Maple Café" 是我們在台北市區開設的第一間概念餐廳,它結合了法裔加拿大風格的咖啡廳與小葡萄酒館。"Maple Maple Café" 提供健康及美味的手工自製甜點、餐點與飲品,每個餐點都能嘗到加拿大楓糖香氣!此外,您還可以使用我們便捷的Wine Station紅酒機,在享用甜點或餐點時隨時來杯美味的葡萄酒。紅酒機的葡萄酒會定期更換,您可以品嘗到世界各地不同的葡萄酒。 “Maple Maple Café” is a new and unique concept in Taipei which combines a French-Canadian style coffee shop (called a “Café”) with a wine lounge. At the heart of “Maple Maple Café” is the coffee shop, which offers healthy and savory homemade desserts, meals, and beverages, all with a touch of Canadian maple syrup! In addition, you can also enjoy a glass of wine with your meal or dessert using our state of the art WineStation dispensing system. The wine selection changes regularly so you can discover new wines from the world over. 我們提倡健康與均衡的飲食,反對含農藥、抗生素或基因改造食材.因此我們儘可能使用新鮮與天然的食材製作餐點。我們的菜單會隨著蔬果季節產期作調整,盡可能使用台灣在地生產有機或無農藥的新鮮蔬果。 We do our best to use fresh, high quality, natural ingredients, which are pesticide and antibiotic free, and non-genetically modified. Our menu follows the season’s availability and we use as much as possible fresh fruits and vegetables sourced from local Taiwanese farmers, grown organically or without pesticides, when available. 鹹派、三明治與主廚推薦將不定期更新。餐點皆在開放式廚房每日手工烘培製作,為響應健康概念本店並無提供油炸餐點!餐點更新請參考店內黑板菜單。 The selection of quiches, sandwiches, and daily specials changes regularly with everything being handmade and oven baked daily in our open kitchen - nothing is deep fried! Come see our in-store chalkboard menu which is updated regularly. 我們的甜點皆於店內手工製作,食材使用自然放養雞蛋,法國奶油與鮮奶油,盡可能使用草飼牛奶。並使用楓糖漿為主要甜味劑,提供美味與獨特的美食給客戶。 Our famous desserts are handmade daily in our store’s open kitchen with natural free range eggs, French butter and cream, and natural grass fed milk when available. We also use maple syrup as our main sweetener, which gives our desserts a delicious and distinctive taste.
肉品: 翼板帶骨豬排、土雞骨腿